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Menstruation the Musical


scenography - 2020

initiated by theatre maker Aileen Pfauth


Over the course of a year, a group of bodies that bleed came together on a weekly basis, to untangle and deconstruct the taboo around having a period. During the Covid pandemic, we gathered online to talk, make and discuss what having a period meant to us and why it is so hard to talk about. From ancient rituals to the shame that arises with asking someone for a tampon. 


This year-long group process led by director Aileen Pfauth, resulted in a play that was performed as a part of the Amsterdam theatre festival Fringe. Due to the Covid restrictions, we shaped the play as a route through various scenes, guided by an audio tour. The endresult was a caleidoscopic vision on the subject of menstruation. A collection of installations and performances the audience could walk through.


The performance was well received by the theatre reviewer Marijn Lems of the Theaterkrant

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